This one is now in english to honor my friend in Jklä University. She, poor thing, was brave enough to try and learn some Finnish, but you know how tough it can be. At least you can read this now, my dear friend!

379388.jpg Here is our back door to garden. Yes, it has been insulated with my two scarfs and couple of towels on the bottom. Otherwise it would be draughty. Alredy last night we hit the -10 degree Celsius point and with very gusty winds from north, it is cold also inside. The heater is on, but you know what happens when there is not much insulation between walls. I sit on my couch and can feel when it blows outside, because the same wind goes through our livingroom. In Finland houses are warm no matter what  weather, but here that´s not the case.

Today we ate carrot soup, salad,bourbon chicken with Jack Daniel´s sauce and Irish Cream berry truffel. You probably can detect a theme there, or what?

Btw Mika went to the neighbours party. He said hed never ever been at a such lavishing fiest.